Name: Muhammad Omair

relationship status: single

birthday: June 11

languages i can speak: English, Urdu, Punjabi, Pashto

hometown: Mansar


cell phone: 03345612196, 03455985020

city: Attock

zip/postal code: 43600

country: Pakistan ........great Pakistan


degree: BS-IT 2011, BA(2009), MA English(2011)

occupation: Student

Field of Work: Education, Education Management, Planning

work email:

work phone: 0572005649


first thing you will notice about me: i am silent

height: 176 centimeters

eye color: dark brown

hair color: black

best feature: eyes

five things I cant live without: ISLAM, PAKISTAN, PARENTS, FRIENDS & MY DEAR G:-)

in my bedroom you will find: Alooooooooooot of Books, magazines, journals and newspapers. Pictures of Mr. Jinnah, Albert Einstein, Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Karl Marks & Military Images

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